Realised I've blogged happy stuffs for the past few posts,
30 Jan: Chicky got free masks!
31 Jan: I got free stuffs again! Thanks to my blog viewers!
31 Jan: Happy 4th Birthday Bloggie!
01 Feb: My first Nuffang Cheque!! Woo hoo~
02 Feb: Mani + Pedi for CNY 2009
I have decided that I will continue to blog more happy stuffs..
Or would you prefer to read/see more of unhappy stuffs? Hmm..
Today, I will blog about a quite recent but not so recent trip to Airport Changi with Hubby. :)
Cute recycling bins. :)
2009 Chinese New Year Display at Changi Airport.
Some info on Lunar New Year.
Can click to enlarge the photo to read. :)
Mickey Mouse.
Mickey and I.
Water feature.
Water represents luck, in 2009 let us all have more luck and Huat ah!
A ugly me with Pluto.
I had to cover my face cause I look really ugly in this photo lah.
Monkey: Compatible with Dragon.
Dragon: Compatible with Monkey. Hee.
We decide to go walk around in T3 since I didn't really get to shop the previous time I was there.
Hubby bought this for me.
125grams of Big Emotions! lols. Don't know what's that.
Little black box.
Tadah~ Chocolates! This tiny box cost around $14!!!
Yes I know I promised to tell you where to buy things to save 7% GST in my title.
It's at... Changi Airport T3!
Most of the retail shops there are absorbing the 7% GST! You have to check with the shops if they are participating in it cause some shops don't want to participate loh.
You can read more about the news here. :)
Anyway hubby help me paid for these from Watson.
They also absorbing the 7% GST, so if you have a lot of things to buy and you stay near to Changi airport, can go there and see see walk walk loh. :)
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