Look around you and you might find something that cheers you up.
The other day my maid spotted something really really beautiful outside the window.
I ran to my brother's room, look out of the window..
And I saw a very beautiful rainbow.
Okie, it's technically part of a really beautiful rainbow since it's not the full rainbow. :p
The colours were very very nice, this photo doesn't really does it justices..
This one's a little bit better and can you see the little bird flying? So cute lar.. :p
See natural beautiful stuffs makes me feel happier & more relax too. :)
By the way if you let someone depressive stand near window please make sure it's well lock hor.. Just a reminder lah. Don't want later the person see the floor like very nice to swim in, then decide to leap ah...
Pot of gold on the roof....
hahas. I should have gone over to dig for gold!!
very pretty ~~
me also wish to see a rainbow at my house...
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