The other day hubby and I decide to visit MacDonalds @ Bukit Merah to have late dinner.
I ordered a Big Mac, had to wait 15mins for it and realised the burger looks smaller/thinner than usual. I have this habit of eating the vegetables in Big Mac before attacking the whole burger which is why I flip open the burger and I saw a flat look patty staring back at me. -.-
Hubby thought it's unusually flat and he thinks it looks more like Ba Gua then a beef patty, so he decide to get it changed. After a while, I got another burger.
And it's another flat patty. -.-
Those who knows me know I have small hands and even if my fingers do't make a good comparison, take a look at the fries, the patty is thinner than the fries!! -.-
Anyway I ate the vegetables and like half of the burger and threw the rest away as it's not really nice. :(
that's really thin!
maybe MC'D wanted us to go for a healthy diet(less meat, more greens! *thumbs up)
let's boycott McD, since nowadays got so many fast food chain stall. Is time to change... show the consumer power!
But at the same price and it taste different. :(
I'm starting to eat less McDonalds since they took away my garlic chillie. :(
im still all for Mega McSpicy to die for .
I'm not a fan of McSpicy.
ai yo. this is cost cutting mah? 1 thing to note, this start quite sometime back not only now. imagine cutting a few grams off each patty, how much more they can make from those cut off.
just hope that they do not use mad cow
hahax...i think so, cuz they having a promotion lunch too-.-
Saga: I'm not sure if it's cost cutting a not, but I like my burger and chili the way it was. :(
Charlotte: yah. the office hour promo lunch.. 12.01pm.
McDonald's is making record profits. It's been reported in the news time and again.
hmm I think sometimes depends on the outlet...
some outlet their stuff are not fresh...
Anon: Maybe that's how they make money. by cutting cost. :p
Lisalicious: Then again some other fast food outlets also have food freshness issues.. haiz... It's junk food what do we expect? :(
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