I'm working 6 days a week, so my weekend tend to be shorter than most. I'm not complaining because.. the longer my weekend is, the more I spend. :P
Anyway this weekend is simply chaotic for me.
Saturday after work met up with Ber, Serene and one of my younger brother to catch the first NE Show. Was so tired that I fell asleep quite early..
Then came Sunday!
Woke up early to wash and hang clothes.
Left the house around noon to visit a relative in KK Hospital, had brunch then begin the super tiring journey..
Walked from KK to Little India, Buffalo Road/Street? to get my eyebrows done (threading).
Then walked all the way to a temple at Bugis to pray.
All these walking in the cloudless weather tires me. Swear I'm a bit more tann then the morning I left the house. -.-'
From Bugis took a cab to Liang Court for waxing, after that stop by Kinokuniya to pick up some books for travel research purpose.
From Liang Court took another cab to take letters and a library book from my brothers.
After checking that the 3 of them are still in 1 piece, went to Harbour Front to change the mailing address for one of my bank accounts. The other bank is not opened so I decide to change it most probably next week or something.
Since I'm near Vivo, I decide to drop by a restaurant to eat some snacks before heading home.
After snacking and lots of window shopping, went back to Harbour Front took the NEL to Serangoon to take circle line back to Bishan.
Now I'm freaking tired but I cannot go to sleep because it's too early and I don't want to wake up at 4am in the morning. bah.