Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Being a Mummy for 2 years

Yesterday was my cutie pie's 2nd Birthday.
Same as her first birthday, we didn't throw a bash.
She probably wouldn't remember the day if we were to spend it entertaining other adults and kids.

Maybe when she's older she would want a party but for now, simple day out to town works fine.
We sent her to playgroup as usual, bought her a 1kg cake ($40+ from Prima Deli) to share with her friends and teachers during snack time.

After her class we brought her to town for lunch.
We had steamboat buffet. :D
Walked around a mall and chance upon a free kid's show.
It's her first time seeing live cartoon.
After the show we went to some indoor playground.
After an hour of slides and bouncing, we went to have some waffle and ice-cream.

Simple and enjoyable day.
Hope she grows up happy and healthy.

Just as my wish for 2015:
For everyone to be happy and healthy.

A song that I recently came across from one of the dramas I've watched and I really liked it.

Winter Child

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