As promised, after I finish the 4 assignments, here are some reviews. :)
In case you missed the previous free samples reviews:
1st Pack of Free Samples review. (3 items)
2nd Pack of Free Samples review. (3 items)
3rd Pack of Free Samples review. (4 items)
4th Pack of Free Samples review. (3 items)
5th Pack of Free Samples review. (4 items)
6th Pack of Free Samples review. (4 items)
7th Pack of Free Samples review. (3 items)
8th Pack of Free Samples review. BB Cream Special (4 items)
9th Pack of Free Samples review. (Best Kit of 08) (4 items)
10th Pack of Free Samples review. (3 items)
11th Pack of Free Samples review. (5 items)
12th Pack of Free Samples review. (4 items)
13th Pack of Free Samples review. (4 items)
This is a super overdue sample pack.
Requested and got this pack sometime in late November and I didn't really have the time to sample everything until yesterday when I tried the sunblock. :)
Title: BIO ESSENCE Face Lifting Cream
Rated: 3/5
Like: Smell is acceptable and so far no breakouts
Dislike: Stingy feeling
Main Review: Doesn't see the effect that some people are raving about. Maybe I'm fated to have fat face. Anyway those who have read some of my past reviews would know that I don't really like creams but this cream is not too "rich" so it didn't cause any breakout. :) I dislike the stingy feeling so it's a good thing that it didn't take long for it to go away. Price wise, I'm not too sure how much it cost, but if it's over $30 I don't think I would purchase it. :p
Will I Buy It: Maybe
Title: Kelly Water Set
Rated: 1/5
Like: Nothing as of now.
Dislike: Smell, expensive and sticky feeling.
Main Review: When I first recieve the pack I was suprised to find that the product card mainly has Korean words on it. The only words that I know were the English names of the product "Moisturizing Water Cream" and "Water Balance Essenserum?". The names on the sachet were "Water Balance Essenserum" and "Moisturizing Innovation", so I guess the latter should be "Moisturizing Water Cream". Tried the essenserum first and I was instantly put off by the smell. I'm not sure if it's Jasmine flower or something but it's quite strong and I don't really like it. Nothing much to rave about. Then I tried the cream. The cream gave me the sticky oily feeling and I don't like it. :( Maybe suitable for those with dry skin. It's quite expensive so you wouldn't see me buying this product unless someone ask me to help them buy.
Will I Buy It: No
Title: Rojukiss Spot Light BB Cream
Rated: 2/5
Like: -
Dislike: Thick, doesn't suit me that well.
Main Review: Was a little dissapointed maybe had high expeactation after reading a couple of good reviews. It's not "light" and I actually felt that it's a bit heavy and oily for me. Will try the 2nd pack when I have the time.
Will I Buy It: Maybe
Title: Capital Soleil Milk Gel Protection SPF50
Rated: 3/5
Like: Easily absorbed
Dislike: Sticky
Main Review: It doesn't stink (smell) and is not overly oily.. but it's a bit sticky if you put too much though. Sample is easily absorbed, so when I don't remember where I put I end up putting double or triple times on the same few areas. Sample size is enough to cover my arms and legs. Kinda left it on overnight, I've yet to wash it off, my arms and legs feels quite smooth. Nice. :) The voucher expires December 08 so I don't think I will get to use it. Might get it for long term use if I'm going to start running again.
Will I Buy It: Maybe
Grab those samples here and after you've tried and if you really like it, can put it into your wishlist. :)
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